RV Tankless Water Heater Reviews: What To Consider Before Buying

If you’re thinking about upgrading your RV’s water heater, it’s important to consider all the factors before making a purchase. In this article, we will provide you with a concise yet informative overview of the key points to keep in mind when looking for a tankless water heater for your RV. From energy efficiency and installation requirements to capacity and performance, these considerations will help you make an informed decision that ensures hot showers and a comfortable living space during your travels. So, let’s dive into our comprehensive guide on RV tankless water heater reviews.


1.1 Budget-friendly options

When considering purchasing an RV tankless water heater, the price is an important factor to take into account. Luckily, there are a variety of budget-friendly options available in the market. These models may not have all the high-end features, but they will still provide you with a reliable and efficient source of hot water while on the road. It is always a good idea to compare prices and features of different models to find the best value for your money.

1.2 High-end models

If you are looking for top-of-the-line features and are willing to invest a bit more, high-end models might be the right choice for you. These premium RV tankless water heaters often come with advanced technologies, such as advanced temperature control, energy-saving features, and enhanced durability. While they may come with a higher price tag, they can provide you with a luxurious experience and long-lasting performance.

Fuel Type

2.1 Propane tankless water heaters

Propane tankless water heaters are a popular choice among RV owners due to their efficient heating capabilities. These water heaters utilize propane gas to heat the water, providing you with a steady supply of hot water on-demand. Propane is easily available and can be stored in portable tanks, making it a convenient fuel option for RV enthusiasts. It is important to note that propane tanks need to be refilled periodically, so you should consider the availability of propane in the areas you plan to travel to.

2.2 Electric tankless water heaters

Electric tankless water heaters are another option to consider for your RV. These models use electricity to heat the water, eliminating the need for propane or any other fuel source. Electric tankless water heaters are often compact and easy to install, making them a popular choice for RVers. Additionally, they tend to have lower upfront costs compared to propane models. However, it is essential to ensure that your RV’s electrical system can support the power requirements of an electric tankless water heater.

Flow Rate

3.1 Understanding the flow rate needs

The flow rate of an RV tankless water heater refers to the amount of hot water it can deliver per minute. Understanding your flow rate needs is crucial in selecting the right water heater for your RV. Consider your typical water usage habits and the number of people who will be using the hot water simultaneously. If your RV has multiple bathrooms or if you often travel with a large group, a higher flow rate is recommended to ensure everyone can enjoy a steady supply of hot water without any interruptions.

3.2 Selecting the appropriate flow rate

Once you have evaluated your hot water needs, it is essential to select an RV tankless water heater with an appropriate flow rate. Different models offer varying flow rates, so it is crucial to choose one that can meet your demands. Keep in mind that selecting a unit with a higher flow rate than necessary can lead to increased energy consumption. On the other hand, choosing a model with a lower flow rate may result in insufficient hot water for your needs. Finding the right balance is key to optimal performance and efficiency.

Size and Installation

4.1 Considering available space

When choosing an RV tankless water heater, it is important to consider the available space in your RV. Tankless water heaters are generally more compact than traditional tank-style ones, making them suitable for RV installations. However, RVs have varying sizes and layouts, so it is necessary to measure the available space accurately. Take into account any obstructions or other equipment that may limit the installation options. Choosing a model that fits seamlessly within your RV will ensure a hassle-free and efficient installation process.

4.2 Ease of installation

The ease of installation is another crucial factor to consider when selecting an RV tankless water heater. Look for models that are designed with user-friendly installation in mind. Some units come with comprehensive installation instructions, making it easier for RV owners to set up the water heater themselves. If you are not comfortable with DIY installations, consider hiring a professional to ensure a proper and safe installation. Additionally, check if the manufacturer provides any installation support or helpline for any troubleshooting that may be required.

4.3 Retrofitting options

If you are upgrading from a traditional tank-style water heater to a tankless one, you may need to consider retrofitting options. Retrofitting involves modifying the existing plumbing and electrical connections in your RV to accommodate the new tankless water heater. While this may require some additional work and potentially incur extra costs, it can be a worthwhile investment for better energy efficiency and hot water performance. Consult with a professional or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for information on retrofitting possibilities and requirements.

Energy Efficiency

5.1 Energy-saving features

Energy efficiency is a significant advantage of tankless water heaters. These units are designed to only heat water when needed, which reduces energy waste compared to traditional tank-style water heaters that continuously heat a large reservoir of water. When selecting an RV tankless water heater, look for models with energy-saving features such as automatic shut-off systems, programmable timers, and sleep modes. These features can help optimize energy consumption and save you money in the long run.

5.2 Energy efficiency ratings

To further assess the energy efficiency of an RV tankless water heater, consider checking its energy efficiency ratings. Look for models that have high energy efficiency ratings, such as Energy Star certification. This indicates that the water heater meets rigorous energy efficiency standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Higher energy efficiency ratings not only contribute to reduced energy consumption but also demonstrate the manufacturer’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Water Usage

6.1 Evaluating hot water needs

To accurately determine your hot water needs for your RV, it is important to evaluate your typical water usage patterns. Consider the activities that require hot water, such as showering, washing dishes, or doing laundry. Think about the duration and frequency of these activities to estimate the amount of hot water you will need. Additionally, take into account any fluctuations in demand due to seasonal variations or changes in the number of occupants in your RV. Understanding your water usage will guide you in selecting an appropriately sized tankless water heater.

6.2 Estimating water consumption

In order to estimate your water consumption accurately, it is recommended to consult the specifications provided by the manufacturer. These specifications often include information on the maximum temperature rise achievable by the water heater and the flow rates it can handle. By comparing these figures to your hot water needs, you can estimate the required capacity of the RV tankless water heater. It is crucial to choose a water heater that can deliver the necessary volume of hot water without any compromises in comfort or performance.

Maintenance and Durability

7.1 Maintenance requirements

Like any other appliance, RV tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. It is important to understand the maintenance requirements of the specific model you choose. Read the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations regarding maintenance tasks such as descaling, filter cleaning or replacement, and periodic inspections. By following the maintenance schedule and best practices, you can extend the lifespan of your RV tankless water heater and avoid potential issues down the road.

7.2 Lifespan and durability

The lifespan and durability of an RV tankless water heater are important considerations. You want to invest in a unit that will provide reliable hot water for many years to come. Look for models that are known for their durability and are built with high-quality materials. Stainless steel or copper heat exchangers are often considered more durable and resistant to corrosion. Additionally, read customer reviews and check the warranty details provided by the manufacturer to get an idea of the expected lifespan and the level of support and protection offered.

Temperature Control

8.1 Adjustable temperature ranges

Temperature control is a key feature to consider when choosing an RV tankless water heater. Look for models that offer adjustable temperature ranges to suit your preferences and needs. Having control over the water temperature allows you to ensure optimal comfort and safety while conserving energy. Some models provide easy-to-use digital controls or remote control options, making it convenient to adjust the temperature from anywhere within your RV.

8.2 Enhanced temperature control features

In addition to adjustable temperature ranges, some RV tankless water heaters offer enhanced temperature control features. These may include advanced technologies like thermostatic control, which provides precise and stable water temperature, even with fluctuations in water flow or incoming water temperature. Other features to look out for include anti-scald protection, which prevents water from reaching dangerously high temperatures, and freeze protection, which automatically activates when the temperature drops to a certain level to prevent freezing and damage.

Safety Features

9.1 Overheat protection

Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to any heating appliance, including an RV tankless water heater. Overheat protection is a crucial safety feature to look for in your chosen model. This feature ensures that the water heater automatically shuts off if the water temperature exceeds a certain threshold, preventing potential accidents or damage. Overheat protection provides you with peace of mind, especially in situations where you may be relying on the water heater for an extended period.

9.2 Flame failure detection

For propane tankless water heaters, flame failure detection is an essential safety feature. This feature monitors the flame and gas supply, automatically shutting off the gas if the flame is extinguished or if there is a gas leak. Flame failure detection ensures that the water heater operates only when there is a safe and consistent flame, minimizing the risk of gas leaks or other hazardous situations. When choosing an RV tankless water heater, prioritize models that include this safety feature for added protection.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

10.1 Researching reliable brands

When purchasing an RV tankless water heater, it is worthwhile to research reliable brands with a good reputation in the market. Look for manufacturers with a proven track record of producing high-quality and reliable products. Established brands often have a strong customer support system and offer warranties that provide additional peace of mind. Reading reviews and experiences shared by other customers can also give you valuable insights into the performance and reliability of different models and brands.

10.2 Reading customer reviews

Customer reviews are a valuable resource when considering different RV tankless water heater options. Reading reviews can provide you with real-world experiences and help you identify any potential issues or limitations of a specific model. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a balanced perspective. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, and it is important to consider the overall consensus and trends in the reviews. Taking the time to research and read customer reviews can greatly assist you in making an informed decision about your RV tankless water heater purchase.

In conclusion, purchasing an RV tankless water heater involves considering several important factors. From budget-friendly options to high-end models, fuel type, flow rate, size and installation considerations, energy efficiency, water usage, maintenance and durability, temperature control, safety features, and brand reputation, each aspect plays a role in finding the best water heater for your RV. By taking the time to evaluate your specific needs and considering these factors, you can ensure that you select a tankless water heater that not only meets your requirements but also provides consistent hot water on your RV adventures.